School Governors
What do Governors at St Edwards do?
There are 12 people on the governing body at St Edward’s. Each governor is elected in different ways so we may be nominated by parents, the local authority [Rochdale Council], the church or by staff. Every school has a different number of governors and different make up depending on whether they are, for example, a church school.
We meet as a full group three times a year but have smaller groups [sub committees] throughout the year to look at topics including what the children are learning/curriculum, buildings maintenance and monitoring of progress.
At governors meetings, we are presented with reports from the staff and also Rochdale Local Authority which we discuss and make decisions about. These reports will be on areas such as finance, staffing, new legislation affecting schools and a Head Teacher’s report which gives details of such as activities in school, the budget and priorities for school improvement.
Governors do not need to be experts but are a “critical friend” to the school. The ability to read and digest information, teamwork and decision making are all useful skills to be an effective governor. If you would like more information on governance, please contact the Chair or Vice Chair of Governors via the school office.
Statutory Information Concerning Governors
Committees-StEdwardsPrimary 23 24
Constitution 23 24-StEdwardsPrimary
Attendance 23 24 Meetings-StEdwardsPrimary
Declarations-St Edward's Church of England Primary School 28-02-24
Committees and their Roles
Curriculum and Pupil Issues Committee Mar 24
Head Teacher Appraisal Committee Mar 24
Personnel and Pay Implementation Committee Mar 24
Personnel Appeals Committee Mar 24
Pupil Discipline Committee Mar 24
Chair of Governors
Mrs Jenny Banks - Parent Governor
Vice Chair of Governors
Miss Sarah Kinrade - Parent Governor
Head Teacher
Dr Alison Petrie
Mrs Jenny Banks |
Miss Jill Smith |
Vacant post |
Mr Roy Down |
Mrs Sarah Kinrade |
Mrs Dawn Frost |
Miss Laura Steedman |
Vacant post |
Mrs Sharon Hardy |
Mrs Asia Begum |
Rev Sydwell Isaac |
Dr. Alison Petrie |